I attended a very large university. There is no way in "you know where" that I would have bothered to trudge all the way across campus from my dorm at some random time in the "hopes" of finding my professor in her office, but when I knew what her office hours were, I did make that long trudge to her office to get the help I needed. I do not agree with your colleague at all. That philosophy and approach only works in a small college where most or all of the classes take place in the same building as the teachers' offices. While email can be quite useful nowadays, nothing beats that face-to-face conversation in which not only the original question can be answered but also subsequent questions that arise from the conversation can also be addressed. Office hours are important and necessary.
Hi David! In the past I have told students “find me whenever” but have also told them when I will definitely be there. And also that they take priority over anyone else in my office unless it’s another student or a dean. BUT: My office is very close to the main congregating area so I am easy to reach and I also make a point of walking out into student areas during times I know students will be around to find them, “how’s it going? Any questions for me?” I find that makes them feel comfortable dropping by. All of that said, this year when we are still in pandemic-ish mode (mask mandate in teaching spaces) I’ve gone back to a scheduled hour on top of my other practices. I’ll also hold scheduled zoom hours during those weeks right before major due dates. I find that many students like when I hold open “writing rooms” on Zoom on Friday afternoons or weekend mornings.
I attended a very large university. There is no way in "you know where" that I would have bothered to trudge all the way across campus from my dorm at some random time in the "hopes" of finding my professor in her office, but when I knew what her office hours were, I did make that long trudge to her office to get the help I needed. I do not agree with your colleague at all. That philosophy and approach only works in a small college where most or all of the classes take place in the same building as the teachers' offices. While email can be quite useful nowadays, nothing beats that face-to-face conversation in which not only the original question can be answered but also subsequent questions that arise from the conversation can also be addressed. Office hours are important and necessary.
Hi David! In the past I have told students “find me whenever” but have also told them when I will definitely be there. And also that they take priority over anyone else in my office unless it’s another student or a dean. BUT: My office is very close to the main congregating area so I am easy to reach and I also make a point of walking out into student areas during times I know students will be around to find them, “how’s it going? Any questions for me?” I find that makes them feel comfortable dropping by. All of that said, this year when we are still in pandemic-ish mode (mask mandate in teaching spaces) I’ve gone back to a scheduled hour on top of my other practices. I’ll also hold scheduled zoom hours during those weeks right before major due dates. I find that many students like when I hold open “writing rooms” on Zoom on Friday afternoons or weekend mornings.