Welcome to The Chalkboard Life, a newsletter On Teaching - by David Thomson. I am a teacher at the University level, with experience teaching Kindergarten through High school students. My teaching career spans almost 30 years and my scholarship is in the area of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). (If you would like to see some of my blog writings in the past, go here, or my more formal publications, here).
This newsletter is about the heart of teaching, the essence of what it means to be a teacher of students. Published on Saturday mornings, it will offer inspiration to teachers to get through the upcoming week, with some guidance for the complex teaching world we live in now - particularly teaching online, or hybrid, and using technology to support teaching, but doing so without it getting in the way. Every week, I will also offer a “Letter of Recommendation” for something I like that might help you get through the week, and a “Q of the Week” - either a Question or a Quote.
My point of view is that teaching is a high calling, a vocation, and when done well, a ton of fun. The community gathering here is intentionally welcoming of all, whatever level of student you teach, whatever race, gender, identity you are, or whatever “status” level where you work. As a teacher, if you have felt unwelcome in your work environment in any way, know that you are welcome here.
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